Thursday, July 3, 2008

Are You a Spoiled Princess?

Ladies! I am sure that we have all had moments when we felt that the world should revolve around us, sometime overlooking the considerations of others. I have the privilage of being in a relationship with a wonderful man, who for the most parts allows me to often get my way...I am the prince! Unfortunately I sometimes allow my royal tirades to get the best of me, and he politely informs me "you're THERE", meaning that I have pushed the envelope all the way past go! Ladies, I ask that you post a comment detailing your worst "princess" moment. Don't be shy, I'm sure that you aren't as big a Diva as you think.


Anonymous said...

People call me a princess all the time, and I never understood why. I am not selfish in the least bit, however I do believe that as a woman, we are entitled to being treated respectfully and maybe even pampered at times. There once was a time when all women were treated as though they were fragile, what happened to those good old days? I too have a Prince who treats me like his princess, but believe me, one hand washes the other,and I am always sure to take him into consideration...well most of the time at least!

Anonymous said...

I am an open book when it comes to my emotions. If I am upset, my facial expressions and body language will definitely show all the signs of my attitude. It was Valentines Day, and my boyfriend at the time had just started a new career and his funds were a little strained. I planned the perfect evening for us, and at dinner we exchanged gifts. I (being the awesome girlfriend that I am) gave my man a beautiful watch from Bulgari. He absolutely loved it! I wish that I could say the same for his gift though. This guy gives ME a giftcard to COACH with a $100 balance. Needless to say, I was not impressed! In a fit of rage I stated: " you shouldve just given me a card", and I felt his heart stop. I really didnt cwish to sit through dinner with him after that, and I really wanted to grab back the watch, but I stuck him with the bill and excused myself instead. I gave our relationship about a month more after that before I split. I'm really not into cheap skates!

Anonymous said...

I recently moved into a larger space with my fiance, and I realized how much of a slob he is. I had no problems with his housekeeping before we moved in together and now I am starting to regret my choices in man! He travels often on business, and when he comes home, he leaves suitcases full of dirty cloths and expects me to clean up after him. I hate cleaning, I refuse to cook because I hate dishes, so you could only imagine my surprise when his audacity placed me in service to him. Yeah RIGHT! I now have the Maid Brigade at our home atleast 3 times a week, on his dime!
Sandy S

Anonymous said...

Who is the little girl?, she is absolutely adorable!

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