Friday, May 30, 2008

Unstoppably Sexy

The Art of Creating the Masterpiece " You"

You are powerful. Men know this, and that is why you are feared, and at times made to be subdued. However, as women you are genetically dis positioned to be creators,nurturers and possessors of the ability to evoke raw male emotion. And with this power, you still fail to understand the mechanics of the male mind. You intentionally allow men to "relieve you" of your strength, and unintentionally fall victim to misleading deceptions that are privy in many relationships. This will be the final day of such confusions, as you will read and learn the principles men use to gain and maintain Power.  
Boss Lady
Scenario: You have recently started a new position at a Fortune 500 company. Your talents as well as amazing resume have afforded you the opportunity to work directly with the CFO of your division, which will lead to a wealth of knowledge, positioning you in direct future advancement.  However as the days progress, you realize that there are flaws in the way that the CFO conducts business, and careless mistakes that he continuously makes are those that you spot miles away.  Do you call him on his flaws showing him who really is in charge, or just watch?

Rule #1
Never Outshine The Master
Always make those above you feel comfortably superior.  In your desire to please or impress them, do not go too far in displaying your talents or you may accomplish the opposite, which will inspire fear and insecurity. Make your masters appear  more brilliant than they are and you will attain the heights of power.

Resolution: The CFO very well may be wrong, however those flaws are tools which can be used as the perfect learning vehicle for your future success.  Make detailed notes on all mistakes made, and if they are issues that shine unfavorably in your direction then and only then suggest proper recourse to solving those mistakes.

Best friend...Worst Nightmare
You have the perfect invention, that is sure to hit the cosmetic industry with an explosion! Ideas in how to market and package your products are all that consumes your thoughts, however there aren't enough hours in the day to start-up your business with the care and precision needed. You are approached by a good friend of yours, who doesn't necessarily have the knowledge needed to approach such an endeavor, but her help could not arrive at a better time. Is this the perfect time to enlist your "true-blue" into your business venture?
Never put too much Trust in friends, Learn how to use enemies
Be wary of friends, they will betray you more quickly fro they are easily aroused to envy. They also become spoiled and tyrannical. But hire a former enemy and she will be more loyal than a friend, because she has more to prove. In fact, you have more to fear from friends than from enemies. If you have no enemies, find a way to make them.
Resolution: The Realm of business does not make a friend. It can actually add unneeded hostilities, that derive from the inability to separate work from emotion. Unless you seek a "marriage of convenience", with your BFF, keep business interest asunder!
More to come.....



Mister Fish Says said...

Mister Fish, how can you sum up the demise of a woman in a paragraph? I am not saying that I am always a poweful woman in relationships... but the minute I may let my talents or areas of strenght shine, men start to pull away. I like the though of letting a man feel in control, but only when I am controling the game and outcome. Hats off to you Mister Fish!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mister Fish, how can you sum up the demise of a woman in a paragraph? I am not saying that I am always a poweful woman in relationships... but the minute I may let my talents or areas of strenght shine, men start to pull away. I like the though of letting a man feel in control, but only when I am controling the game and outcome. Hats off to you Mister Fish!!!!!


May 31, 2008 4:24 PM

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